What is the RICE Scoring Model?

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RICE Scoring Model Overview: The RICE scoring model is a roadmap prioritization framework. It assesses items based on four factors: Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. Created by the team at Intercom, RICE aims to improve internal decision-making processes. Components of RICE: Reach (R): Measures how many people the initiative will impact within a specified timeframe. Impact (I): Assesses the potential impact of the initiative, categorized on a five-tier system. Confidence (C): Reflects the level of confidence in the data supporting the scores. Effort (E): Quantifies the resources needed over time, expressed in person-months. Confidence Scoring: Confidence scores range from 100 (high confidence) to 50 (low confidence). Initiatives with confidence scores below 50 are considered moonshots, prompting a reevaluation of priorities. Effort Scoring: Effort is scored in person-months, estimating the personnel resources required for design, engineering, testing, and product phases. Intercom categorizes anything taking less than a month as 0.5 person-months. RICE Scoring Formula: The RICE score is calculated using the formula: (Reach × Impact × Confidence) / Effort. The resulting score provides a quantitative measure of the total impact per time worked, aiding in objective evaluation and prioritization of initiatives for the roadmap.