Agile vs. Waterfall Project Management - Wrike

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- Agile and Waterfall are two distinct project management methodologies, each with its own processes and structures. - Agile is characterized by rapid, continuous delivery, shorter timescales, and a flexible, iterative approach to product development. It values continuous process improvement, self-organization, and collaboration with customers and stakeholders. - Waterfall, on the other hand, is a more traditional and upfront planning approach. It follows a linear, sequential process with defined phases such as requirement, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. It relies heavily on documentation. - The choice between Agile and Waterfall depends on the project's nature and variables. Agile is suitable for projects with changing needs, multiple deliverables over time, and a focus on process improvement. Waterfall is ideal when project details are known upfront, resources are available, and the project is relatively uncomplicated. - Wrike, a project management software, supports both Agile and Waterfall projects with features like Kanban boards, dashboards, and Gantt Charts, catering to the needs of teams following either methodology.