What Is Scrum in Project Management?

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Key insights 🔄 Agile project management involves values such as individuals and interactions over processes and tools, and responding to change over following a plan. 📈 Scrum framework is not limited to software development and engineering, but can be used by any team including HR, design, or marketing, making it appealing for a wide range of industries. 📅 A sprint in scrum framework is a cycle of iterative work that usually lasts about two weeks, allowing teams to plan, complete work, and begin again in a cyclical manner. 📝 The team determines the goal of this specific sprint and decides what tasks updates or additions can be accomplished during the sprint. 📈 The sprint retrospective allows team members to discuss and document the ways the sprint went well as well as the ways it could be improved. 🔄 The scrum framework should help teams adjust how they work in a way that improves and adjusts over time. 🧠 Scrum and project management wouldn't function without the development team, emphasizing the crucial role of the team in the process. 🛠️ Figuring out how to use scrum and project management for your own team is no small task, but the right software can encourage collaboration and enhance efficiency.