What Is Agile Project Management? - Wrike

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- Agile project management is a widely used philosophy, particularly in IT and software development, with 71% of organizations reporting its use. - The Agile Manifesto, consisting of four core values and 12 principles, serves as the foundation for Agile development, emphasizing customer satisfaction, adaptability, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. - Two popular frameworks within Agile are Scrum and Kanban, with Scrum being more widely used. Scrum involves iterative cycles (sprints), daily standup meetings, rapid feedback, and close collaboration with stakeholders. - Agile Scrum teams are self-organizing and adaptive, focusing on delivering increments of the project in short, fast-paced cycles, typically lasting one to four weeks. - Kanban, inspired by Toyota's production process, emphasizes continuous delivery, visualizes workflow, limits work-in-progress, measures and manages flow, makes process policies explicit, and uses models for improvement opportunities. Scrum is more ritualistic, while Kanban is flexible, favoring continuous task flows. The choice between Scrum and Kanban depends on project requirements and team preferences.