Go to Market Strategies That Led To Divvy's $2.5B Exit with Divvy’s Former CRO, Sterling Snow

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Divvy's Rapid Growth and Acquisition: Divvy achieved a $2.5 billion exit in just four years, from its first institutional funding in 2018 to acquisition in 2021. The speaker, Sterling Snow, emphasizes the condensed timeframe of learning and experiences during this journey. Foundational Principles of Divvy's Revenue Team: The revenue team at Divvy aimed to build a high-performing and unique team with ambitious goals. Emphasis on "extreme ownership" and the importance of having each other's backs within the team. The belief in having no room for passengers – everyone needed to be engaged and driving the company forward. Aligning the Funnel and Accountability: The importance of aligning the sales funnel and increasing accountability for each stage, even extending to the first 90 days of implementation. Sales reps were accountable for outcomes beyond just acquiring new logos, focusing on customer success during implementation. Budget-Quota-Goal Financial Framework: Divvy used a financial framework called "budget, quota, goal" to present a board-approved number while allowing flexibility for upward mobility. This approach provided credibility with investors and prevented over-hiring and overspending. T3B3 Model and "Name-Number-North Star" Approach: The T3B3 model (top three and bottom three) was used for personal growth and improvement within the team. The "name-number-North Star" approach ensured accountability by linking specific names and numbers to goals and initiatives, fostering a culture of ultimate responsibility.