Product Managers: The Secrets to Effective Communication!
Final Chapter of Discovery Phase: Emphasizes the importance of effective communication for product managers. Focus on transitioning from shaping project ideas to compelling pitches that resonate with the team. Two-fold task: creating a rough out (sketch) and a written pitch for the envisioned solution. Rough Out as a Guiding Sketch: Describes the rough out as a middle ground between a detailed wireframe and a vague essay. Advocates for deliberate sketching to guide the team while allowing room for interpretation. Compares the product manager's role to that of a movie director setting the scene. Crafting a Written Pitch: Likens an effective pitch to telling a captivating story that paints a picture of the challenge, landscape, and envisioned path. Suggests starting with setting the stage, grounding the narrative in reality with data, testimonials, or relevant information. Introduces key elements: central issue, protagonist (envisioned solution), boundaries, climax, and perils (risks). Real-world Example: Food Fleet's Stamp Card Feature: Presents a pitch for a new feature based on observed decline in orders, user feedback, and competitor analysis. Outlines components of the solution, constraints, business impact, and risks/assumptions. Demonstrates the structured approach to presenting a product pitch. Recap of Discovery Chapter: Highlights key steps discussed in the Discovery chapter, including defining a Northstar metric, user research, shaping up opportunities, and preparing for the delivery phase. Encourages a structured approach in product development, emphasizing iteration and adaptation based on insights. Teases the next chapter focusing on the art of execution and systematically rolling out app updates in the product delivery phase.