Thematic Analysis in Qualitative Research: Simple Explanation with Examples (+ Free Template)
Thematic analysis is a popular qualitative research method focused on identifying patterns, themes, and meanings within a data set, applicable to both primary and secondary data. It involves interpreting language-based data, such as interview transcripts or survey responses, to uncover categories or themes relevant to the research aims and questions. Thematic analysis can be conducted through two main approaches: inductive, where codes and themes emerge from the data during analysis, and deductive, where predetermined codes are applied based on existing theory, empirical research, and the researcher's knowledge. The strengths of thematic analysis include its simplicity in deriving codes and themes, flexibility in application across various research topics and data types, and effectiveness in identifying patterns of meaning. However, it also has weaknesses, such as potential vagueness and lack of precision due to its inherent flexibility, and the risk of overlooking subtle nuances or inconsistencies in the data. Researchers should carefully consider their project's goals before choosing thematic analysis as an analysis method.