Leadership : Inspiring Excellence and Innovation

Explore the vital role of leadership in shaping successful product management teams and strategies. This section delves into the qualities of effective leaders, from inspiring vision and fostering innovation to managing teams and driving results. Learn how leadership skills can influence the direction of a project, motivate teams, and ultimately lead to the successful realization of product goals. Essential reading for anyone aspiring to lead in the dynamic field of product management and design.

The move every SaaS leader needs to make now: Lessons from a two times SaaS entrepreneur

People First: Why the Most Important Product Leaders Can Develop is Their Team

Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy

Webinar: Hacking Your Product Leader Career by fmr Netflix VP Product, Gibson Biddle

Best Practices for Onboarding New Product Managers | Excellent Product Leadership

Lessons in Product Leadership by VP of Product at Boxed

Which product risk should you focus most of your efforts on mitigating?

What is a product North Star and how does it help?

What is an empowered product team?

What does a great product culture look like?

How can we do cross-functional collaboration better?

What is product positioning and why does it matter?

Webinar: Be a Hypothesis/Data Driven Product Team by fmr Meta PM Leader, Waldron Aw.

#ProductCon: The Skills to Become a Director, VP, or CPO by Facebook VP of Product

People, Process and Product: A Product Leader’s First 90 Days | Notion CPO Madhu Muthukumar

Dropbox VP, Product and Growth Adam Nash on great product leaders | Amplify 2019

What is Product Leadership?

The Surprising Secrets of Exceptional Product Leaders | Jessica Hall | TEDxPearlStreet

Strategyzer Webinar: The Basics Of Testing Business Ideas

Alex Osterwalder on Product Innovation at Lean Product Meetup

ECON 125 | Lecture 24: Michael Porter - Strategy

The Finite and Infinite Games of Leadership | Simon Sinek | Talks at Google

Escaping the Build Trap - Melissa Perri

SPRINT | Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky | Talks at Google

Introduction to Modern Product Discovery - Teresa Torres

EMPOWERED - Achieving Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People - Marty Cagan

"Product Strategy: The Missing Link" by Inspired Author Marty Cagan of SVPG at Lean Product Meetup

The Root Causes of Product Failure by Marty Cagan at Mind the Product San Francisco