Conduct user research using Notion

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

💡 Collecting and acting on user feedback early in a startup's life is key to defining product market fit. 🔍 Storing all information gathered about a specific user or company in a single page within the database can streamline the user research process. 📅 Notion's date property feature makes it easy for startups to track and organize user research interviews by date. 🔗 You can create web bookmarks in Notion by pasting the link into the page and selecting "create bookmark." 📝 Adding a new property to the table and creating a relation with meeting notes can streamline the process of connecting user research to relevant meeting discussions. 📊 Notion databases are highly customizable and can easily mold to your team's needs, delivering value to the user by turning collected information into insights for the product team.