UX Research Cheat Sheet

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

📊 Some user research methods are great at producing data and insights, while others support ongoing activities to get things done. 🌍 UX research is crucial for bringing valuable data and insights back to the team, informing decision-making and improving the overall product. 🌍 In the Explore stage, the goal is to understand the problem space and how to best satisfy user's needs. 📊 Competitive analysis, persona building, and journey mapping are crucial research methods during the Exploration stage of UX design. 📊 Testing early and often with a diverse range of people, both alone and in groups, is essential for ensuring the usability and accessibility of designed systems. 📊 Use on-going strategic activities to track usability over time and test with a diverse set of users to get ahead of future problems during the Testing phase.