Creating a UX Research Plan

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

πŸ—ΊοΈ Documenting your research project plan in a shared place can help prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary rework, serving as a map for what you're doing and why. πŸ› οΈ Test setup, including equipment and supplies, is an important aspect to consider before conducting the study. πŸ“‹ Including a detailed facilitation script with introductions, instructions, and task scenarios is crucial for UX research. πŸ“‹ Written goals, user profiles, tasks, and participant scenarios are essential for a well-planned UX research. πŸ•’ Consider how much time you have with each participant and build in time for pilot sessions, lunch, debrief, and regroup time. πŸ“ Research plans are essential tools for tracking and informing stakeholders, and creating a template can save time and be shared with team members.