What is an Empathy Map?

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

🌍 Empathy mapping helps product teams make design decisions based on understanding the reality of their users, not just ideal scenarios. 🎭 Conducting an empathy interview is a one-on-one conversation to understand users' feelings and motivations, requiring open-ended questions to gather their feelings. 🖱️ The user's actions and explicit behaviors can provide valuable insight into their experience and needs. ☕ Jill prefers Starbucks over her local coffee shop because of the convenience of ordering and picking up without waiting in line or interacting with people. 📝 An empathy map isn't designed to be fully precise, it is better to get everything on paper than to agonize over which category each item belongs to. 📊 You can create an empathy map based on one user or a group of users, aggregating themes across the group to create your empathy map. 🤔 Investigate the cause of conflicts between positive actions and negative emotions to resolve them in UX design.