UX Research - Get Started With Qualitative User Research (2023)

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

📊 Qualitative user research answers the question "why" and quantitative user research answers the question "how many." 🧠 User research helps us build solutions based on evidence and ensures that we solve the real problems that our users have. 📝 Research questions should be user-centered and begin with how, what, why, or in which way, to guide the interview guide and research method selection. 🕵️‍♂️ It is oftentimes enough to talk to five people to cover most of the insights needed for research. 🎯 When conducting qualitative user research, it's important to find people that fit your target audience and avoid talking to friends and family unless they are part of that target audience. 📝 Avoid leading questions that try to get a certain answer out of your user when writing interview questions. 🎥 Asking permission and explaining the purpose of recording the conversation is essential for ethical user research practices. 🔑 Understanding user research is important for conducting effective user interviews in UX and UI design.