How SaaS Customer Journey Turns Strangers into Clients

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customer feedback analysis

💡 Customer journey is the story of someone who has the problem and is looking for a solution, but the solution does not necessarily include you. 🛒 Customers who receive helpful content are three times more likely to buy from their helper, emphasizing the importance of relevant and supportive marketing materials. 📊 The customer decision journey can be summarized into four steps: initial consideration, active evaluation, closure, and post-purchase. 📊 Using keyword research to identify information intent can help map potential customers in their journey and create content that resonates with their needs. 🛒 At the product aware stage, customers are already considering paying you money, so it's high time to address your best convincing pillars. 🛒 The customer journey doesn't end when users find what they need, and for SAS companies, it's important to provide a truly superb experience to prevent customers from easily switching to a competitor. 🛠️ Understanding the customer journey can help turn moments of frustration into moments of delight, creating a human-centered approach to earning trust and retaining customers.