Step-by-step guide to create an effective user research survey | Sarah Doody, UX Designer

Gain insights from customers 10x more quickly using
customer feedback analysis

💭 The goal of user research is to understand people's current reality and the problems they are facing in their everyday life, not hypothetical problems. 📊 The quality of the answers in a survey is directly related to the quality of the questions asked. 📝 Every question in a survey should aim to understand where people are today, what obstacles are stopping them, and where they want to be in the future. 🎯 It's important to uncover not just the surface-level goals, but also the underlying motivations that drive people's desires for the future. 💭 By framing questions in first person and using specific prompts, respondents are more likely to provide detailed and meaningful answers in user research surveys. 🎨 People found the survey to be fun and therapeutic, which is a unique and positive response. 🔍 The insight of understanding user's emotions and mental state is crucial in creating effective user research surveys. 💰 The response from a survey can be a goldmine of text to test for a marketing page or something, showing the valuable data a research survey can provide.