OKR in 7 Simple Steps (Secrets From Successful Serial Founder)
📈 OKRs can be used in any size of company, as demonstrated by Google's continued use of OKRs from when they had 40 people to now with 60,000 people. 💼 Setting clear and measurable goals, such as being profitable in a specific month and achieving a certain number of orders, can help drive success in business. 🎯 "OKRs are for new stuff, things you're building, innovating, new business. That's what OKRs are for." 📈 Key results that are tied to tangible outcomes, like increasing revenue, help measure progress and bring clarity to the overall objective. 🏆 Prioritizing and focusing on what you really want to do and what you can do with the resources you have is crucial for success. 💼 Step number four in the OKR process involves breaking down key results into monthly initiatives, creating a sense of urgency and ensuring clear goals for each month. 📊 Scoring and announcing projects at the end of the quarter is not about blame, but rather about learning and improving for future quarters. 📈 Providing an overview of the entire quarter's performance helps to give a comprehensive understanding of how the company did overall.